The Center for Food Systems, Rural Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability (CFSRPES) evolved from the Center for Innovation & Sustainability for Small Farms, Ranches, & Forestlands (CISFRL), initiated on July 1, 2020. The five areas of focus [Thrust Areas (ThAs)] were:
ThA1 – Crop Systems, Commodities, Processes
ThA2 - Animal Systems, Commodities, Processes
ThA3 - Forest Systems, Commodities, Processes
ThA4 - Value Added Technologies and Systems
ThA5 - Integrated Environment, Economic and Social Impacts
Seventeen 1890 LGUs were initially involved as partners in CISFRL. Initially three five universities worked together to develop each ThA, including objectives, approaches, and expected outcomes. In year two a new competitive process was required by NIFA that mandated inclusion of rural prosperity and environmental sustainability components be added to the already existing food systems elements manifested in CISFRL. The new COE was titled the Center for Food systems, Rural Prosperity and Environmental Sustainability and involved nineteen universities with five to six universities working on each theme area. This change is schematically represented in Figure 1.
Goals / Objectives
Adaptive research, technology assessment and development of new processes. Develop a database of technologies, processes and best practices developed and tested by the 1890 LGUs, focusing on those that are sustainable and profitable.
Target Audience: Underserved and socially disadvantaged farmers, ranchers and forest landowners in eighteen states Rural communities in counties in eighteen states Students and interns. interested in food systems and environmental sustainability related careers and businesses.
Project Methods
Methods/Examples of Defining Efforts include: Objectives Approaches Farms. Increase profitability of small- scale, traditional, and specialty/alternative crop operations through improved production systems, marketing opportunities and resource accessibility
What was accomplished under these goals? A strength of CFSRPES is that scientists, professional staff, and students are increasingly working across disciplines, universities and communities in addressing challenges and opportunities to increase profitability and sustainability of SDFRLs and enhance rural and community prosperity.
Participating 1890 Land Grant Universities (LGUs) are: Alabama A&M University (AAMU), Alcorn State University (ASU), Central State University, Delaware State University (DSU), Florida A&M University (FAMU), Fort Valley State University (FVSU), Kentucky State University (KSU), Langston University (LaU), Lincoln University (LiU), North Carolina A&T State University (NCAT), Prairie View A&M University (PVAM), South Carolina State University (SCSU), Southern University (SU), Tennessee State University (TSU), Tuskegee University (TU, Lead U), University of Arkansas Pine Bluff (UAPB), University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES), Virginia State University (VSU) and West Virginia State University (WVSU).